Friday 25 April 2014

Getting a Footing on the Grounds of Culminating Assignment

After conversing about what I should do for my culminating assignment my initial thoughts on the subject of dreaming were to use a certain abstractedness (which could be found in a dream) to represent a person through visual images representing their characteristics. This idea is related to dreams in many ways including how everyone's dreams are unique and how what kinds of dreams we have may reflect things in our lives like when happy people dream of happy things like ice cream and puppies. While talking with Mrs. Rose she also mentioned two forms of art known as surrealism and data which I will delve into in order to possibly find inspiration of sorts or more ideas.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Things That art considered Art and art not considered Art

All forms of art or the absence of it can be put into three categories things everyone or a vast majority of people consider art such as paintings, sculptures, and certain architecture. The other group art can fall into is the grey area where it can be argued the subject or item is art or the other way around. Subjects or items can also be seen in this grey area if they create huge controversy or are such a vast category they include things that are art as well as things which aren't. The Items falling into this area are as follows Nature, advertisements, movies, buildings, food, Etc. The last category includes things which cannot be considered art by anyone or only a slim majority.some examples of this category are weights, fesses, a bar of steel, Etc.

Land Art from dummies

                                                        The Making of                                                         
For the Land Art assignment I have gathered up a group consisting of Brittany, Aidan, and Myself. Our initial plan for this land art project is to go over to my house were I have a backyard unscathed by anything other  making it ideal in both size and quality of landscape. Once we arrived at my house it was soon discovered the "ideal" location was atop the septic field making it unusable as far as the concerns of our project. We then traversed my country property in order to find a location fitting to our needs. After approximately half an hour of searching we had found it and began to sketch an outline with snowshoes. together we worked out Aidan would use his snowshoes to loosely( both figuratively and literally) draw the Celtic naught whilst Brittany and I led him in the right direction.

                                               Why We Chose a Celtic Naught 
The reason being for why we chose a Celtic knot was Aidan had been looking for designs to do with his and couincidently my heritage and found a design simple enough for us to do.

                                 Thoughts On the End Result and How th Picture was Taken
After we had finished we found a snow bank big enough to take a picture from. Our initial plan was to take the photo from the top of our barn but we reconsidered after observing how dangerous taking a shot from atop the barn could be. In order to get a picture were the groves in the snow could be seen we took the photo with the sun at our backs. After observing the picture we found it to be satisfactory in both the time taken to make the art and the qualitty.

Struggle Assignment Pre-Plans and Thoughts

                                              Initial Plans

My initial plan for this assignment is to focus on inner strugle rather than an outer struggle I can relate to. As for the plans on the actual look of the picture I plan to draw a models face and use shadows to depict a villinous figure and vise versia to demanstrate an internal struggle to be a better person. I would also like to demonstrate my struggles to keep on focus by having the main image not put into the centre of the picture.