Monday 17 March 2014

Neoclassicism Art History

Neoclassicism was an art period which took place in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. The overall tone of art for this specific art period at first glance seems to be related to older forms of art constructed by the Greeks. Some reasons for why Neoclassicism shares similarities to the art of the ancient Greeks (envisioning pure human models) is through the workings of Nicolas Poussin (the companions of Rinaldo) and Claude Lorrain (Sea port) during the Renaissance and helped to keep the form of art alive so to speak. My chosen piece of art to represent this period of art is Napoleon crossing the alps composed by artist Jacques-Louis David. The reason why I chose this picture to illustrate neoclassicism is for its popularity and how it em pictures the model (Napoleon) similar to models in ancient Greek. Some other famous                                                art pieces from this period of art are the Oath of Horatii and Angelica                                                          Kauffmann's Venus Induces Helen to Fall in Love With Paris.                                                                Neoclassicism Was really relevant to the culture of the 18th century by having                                                influenced the fashion of the era and also impacting architecture to the present                                                day.

Napoleon Bonaparte 
Jacques-Louis David

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