Saturday 21 June 2014

Working with Pallet Knives

For my preliminary work on my final culminating oil painting of my back yard. I decided I wanted to try a dreamish look to fit my theme (Dreams).   I stretched a canvas.   I treated it with gesso because the canvas absorb too much paint if I didn't.    I originally wanted to do a painting with a brush but was advised to try a pallete knife.   I checked on the internet on how to paint with a pallet knife.  There were lots of sites and videos on how to paint a landscape with a pallet knife. I was advised to roughly divide the canvas into three sections, top third, middle third and lower third.  After this I started to paint the sky with a mixture of titanium white and ultramarine blue.  I painted the water in the pond with the same mixture and added a bit of burnt sienna.   For the trees and grass I mixed blue and yellow with some more burnt sienna, now and then.   I enjoyed using the pallet for its texture and how quick it was. 

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